Just Like Me, Please!

Y’all, this one is a biggie for me. I didn’t even realize until recently that I’ve spent most of my life worrying about what others think of me, as though I have control over that! The need to be liked is an energy sucker!

I now know (work in progress) that these unhelpful thoughts, stifle us and keep us from fully participating in life! This world is full of diverse people and we’re not all supposed to be alike. Our differences keep life interesting. We don’t need to try to fit in, be interesting, look like everybody else or compare ourselves to where others are.

Now I embrace my awkwardness! I give myself permission to be the real me. My hubby says, “You better be yourself cause everybody else is taken”! When we manage our thoughts, we find the power to be true to who we are. And that’s when we live fully and have the most to share!

Old Thoughts:

What if I’m not cool enough?

What are people going to think of me?

What’s wrong with me!

New Thoughts:

I don’t need to prove anything.

What do I think?

What’s right with me!